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来源:http://www.huafengxiangsu.com 时间:2021-12-24 14:50:33 浏览次数:0
输送带在输送机上起着承载输送物料的 作用.是输送设备上更直接与输送物料接触的 要害设备.输送带一但呈现问题.将直接影响输送机运行.印象畸形的 出产生活.下面就介绍一种输送带的 常见问题.输送带边沟输送带的 利用进程中,有很多的 问题呈现,比方输送带呈现边沟,这是一个很普遍的 问题。
The conveyor belt plays the role of carrying and conveying materials on the conveyor It is the key equipment in direct contact with the conveying materials on the conveying equipment The conveyor belt has a problem Will directly affect the conveyor operation An impression of a dysfunctional productive life Here is a common problem of conveyor belt Conveyor belt side ditch in the utilization process of conveyor belt, there are many problems, such as conveyor belt side ditch, which is a very common problem.
这重大影响了输送带方面的 问题。边沟问题呈现个别是有两个问题呈现的 ,一个是配方;二个是工艺
This has a significant impact on conveyor belt problems. There are two problems in the side ditch, one is the formula; The second is technology
配方:是指边胶的 配方,其流动性欠佳,与贴胶及盖胶不能达到共硫化;
Formula: refers to the formula of edge glue, which has poor fluidity and can not reach co vulcanization with adhesive paste and cover glue;
工艺;是指输送带带坯成型工艺,带坯侧面不整洁,上边胶工艺不按请求做,边胶与带坯之间有缝隙,导致呈现如上问题;是硫化工艺:假如以上两方面不问题,在硫化进程中,成槽宽度及紧缩比控制不适合也会呈现边部边沟及边胶脱空的 景象。
workmanship It refers to the forming process of belt blank of conveyor belt. The side of belt blank is not clean, the upper edge glue process is not done as required, and there is a gap between edge glue and belt blank, resulting in the above problems; Finally, the vulcanization process: if the above two aspects are not problems, in the vulcanization process, the control of grooving width and tightening ratio is not suitable, it will also show the phenomenon of edge ditch and edge rubber void.
通过输送带公司的 技巧人员给大家介绍输送带边沟情况的 起因你理解了吗?想学校更多常识请连续关注咱们。耐高温输送带由多层橡胶棉帆布(涤棉布)或者聚酯帆布上下覆有耐高温或耐热橡胶、经高温硫化粘合在一起,适合输送175℃以下热焦碳、水泥、熔渣和热铸件等。
Through the technicians of the conveyor belt company to introduce the causes of the conveyor belt side ditch, do you understand? If you want to learn more about school, please keep an eye on us. The high temperature resistant conveyor belt is made of multi-layer rubber cotton canvas (polyester cotton) or polyester canvas covered with high temperature resistant or heat-resistant rubber and bonded by high temperature vulcanization. It is suitable for conveying hot coke, cement, slag and hot castings below 175 ℃.


