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来源:http://www.huafengxiangsu.com 时间:2020-04-03 11:40:17 浏览次数:0
  What should be paid attention to when selecting conveyor belt? Below will be a detailed introduction of food grade conveyor belt manufacturers, hoping that people's detailed introduction can help you better.
  1. 输送带芯材及结构的选择:材料、结构和性能的传送带和皮带核心叠加层关联相当大,棉白色帆布双运输带抗压强度低,叠加层,不耐疲劳,容易模具蚀刻,网,高能源消耗、聚酯输送带,抗压强度高、延性、轻重量、良好的耐冲击性和弯曲性能,特性好的槽,除了模具,耐水分和其他种类的特性必须比棉白色帆布作为通用传送带的框架,它的缺陷是大量的拉伸,当紧调度可以设置一个长文章可以选择聚酯橡胶,抗压强度类似于棉尼龙聚酯布带核心,与所有的优点聚酯胶带弹性模高于聚酯,伸长小,可靠性好,规范是一种比较理想的工业生产常用运输带,而镀锌钢丝绳芯输送带抗压强度高,槽强,伸缩小,行程紧凑安排短,非常适合大型运输,带速高,长距离运输的规定
  1. Selection of core material and structure of conveyor belt: the superposition layer of material, structure and performance of conveyor belt and belt core is quite related. The cotton white canvas double conveyor belt has low compressive strength, superposition layer, is not fatigue resistant, easy to die etching, net, high energy consumption, polyester conveyor belt, high pressure resistance, ductility, light weight, good impact resistance and bending performance, and good groove, except for die, Moisture resistance and other kinds of characteristics must be compared with cotton white canvas as the frame of general conveyor belt, its defect is a large number of stretching, when tight scheduling can be set up a long article can choose polyester rubber first, the compressive strength is similar to that of cotton nylon polyester tape core, with all the advantages of polyester tape elastic mold higher than polyester, small elongation, good reliability, The standard is a kind of ideal industrial production commonly used conveyor belt, while the galvanized steel wire rope core conveyor belt has high compressive strength, strong trough, small expansion, short travel compact arrangement, which is very suitable for large-scale transportation, high belt speed and long-distance transportation
  2. 土层选择:选择的图层包含覆盖原材料,表面形状及其厚度、层的主要成分是各种硫化橡胶和塑料,在大多数的气候条件,橡胶带坡度角的条件下不是超级拳击手一切正常工作,和传送带正常运行的倾斜角度是一百二十度以下,尽管其行为主体比硫化橡胶骨架材料,回弹力但一个好的阻燃等级,把材料和理性的,因为各种橡胶的特性差异也很大,如天然橡胶、丁苯橡胶有很好的能量吸收和耐磨性,3非常耐高温,Butanoic橡胶的耐磨性好,bing-butanoic橡胶耐高温和空气氧化氧化,所以选择哪种模型规范的涵盖原材料、必须根据运输原料的常用类型、操作标准和办公环境进行综合考虑;
  2. Soil layer selection: the selected layer includes covering raw materials, surface shape and thickness, and the main components of the layer are various kinds of vulcanized rubber and plastic. In most climate conditions, the rubber belt slope angle is not the condition that super boxer works normally, and the slope angle of conveyor belt normal operation is 120 degrees or less, although its behavior is more important than that of vulcanized rubber skeleton material, Resilience but a good flame-retardant grade, the material and rational, because the characteristics of various rubbers are also very different, such as natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber has good energy absorption and wear resistance, 3 very high temperature resistance, butanoic rubber has good wear resistance, Bing butanoic rubber is resistant to high temperature air oxidation, Therefore, the selection of which model specification covers raw materials must be based on the commonly used types of transportation materials, operation standards and office environment;
  3. In addition, the improvement of the layer thickness is conducive to the improvement of the impact resistance, the wear-resistant rubber conveyor belt and the very white cotton belt core have replaced the artificial fiber fabric belt core, the core function has been further improved, and its thickness has become thinner. Relativity will further improve the overall performance, so we must make full use of the advantages and improve the conveyor belt relative to the improvement of the layer thickness, It must be noted that the friction resistance of the heat-resistant conveyor belt running under the condition of overweight may increase due to the too thick soil layer, and the increase of the running friction resistance of the heat-resistant conveyor belt must be noted.


